Ashlesha Nakshatra
Aslesha Nakshatra (16-40' to 30-00') is a group of 5 stars. It looks like a Chakra. It is the 9th Nakshatra out of the 27. It comes under the Cancer sign. Ashlesha Nakshatra is near Sun and so, it can be seen in during early morning time.Its ruling planet is mercury and its presiding deity is Ahi- the Shesh-naga or serpent of wisdom. Its symbol is like a circle or coiled snake. The naming alphabets of people born in Ashlesha Nakshatra, according to Charan are: d, du, de, do. Mercury is of green color and hence its gemstone is emerald. People born in Ashlesha Nakshatra are effected by Gand Mool. Ashlesha Nakshatra's animal symbol is male cat.
Reflections of Ashlesha :
The natives of Ashlesha Nakshatra are born with strong personas who carries immense strength of mind and are highly free living people as they are born conquerors and explorers upon land who would lead the masses towards different directions as these people are endowed with enormous valor which could also take them towards appearing callous and cruel at times besides which they are truly aggressive personalities and could become very harsh to anyone around.
The are proud individuals who would wander at variant places and could be seen as changing their jobs without any particular reason or pursuing something which doesn't mean anything significant to them. Besides this, they could be seen as living with any female companion for them or near animals like cow. This altogether could also take them towards pursuing the immoral path and so on would take them towards a miserable and gloomy path of life. These people are childish at the whole and in real do not know what they are doing and what they needs to do.
General Characteristics :
Motivated by dharma, represents the kundalini or serpent fire located at the base of the spine
Translation :
The entwiner - to embrace
Symbol :
coiled snake, circle, or wheel.
Ruling planet : Mercury
Nature : Rakshasa (demon)
Career Interest :
Politician, lawyer, writer, teacher, astrologer, mystic, snake charmer, zoo keeper, prostitute, pimp, chemical engineers, druggist, junkie, reptile keeper, zoologists, self-serving robbers, greedy politicians and business people, those that gain via sex.
Family Portrait :
The natives of Ashlesha arena are believed to confront much financial loss during the age of 35 and 36yrs while they would received surprising and unearned income at their 40yrs of life path.
These individuals would be made to bear most of family responsibilities due to variant reasons. They would not share much blissful relation with their wives and their would be a lack of understanding in between which would make the conjugal path quiet difficult for the natives. Their wives won't share good and true relations with the relatives other than those living under the same shelter.
Health :
The male natives of Ashlesha nakshatra are perceived to confront health hurdles also upon land which further makes their path lacking peace of mind. These health obstacles would include flatulence, stomach problem, pain in legs and jaundice besides which theses people could also have addiction for drugs and drinks.
Favorable Activities :
Philosophical, intelligent, versatile, clever, independent, has a number of different jobs, entertainer, learned, leadership qualities, can accomplish much when motivated, good income, mystical, puts great energy into things that interest them, seductive nature, benefit from spiritual work.
Unfavorable Activities :
Mental instability, worrisome, depressed nature, deceitful, non caring attitude, impolite, tactless, unpopular, lacks social skills, rule breakers, hoarding mentality, possessive, secretive, talkative, lacks appreciation, scattered and unproductive, reckless, disconnected, temperamental, lie to serve their needs, vindictive, introspective, reclusive, ungrateful, blunt.
Suggestions for Ashlesha Natives :
Aslesha natives should worship the Snake God by performing all kinds of serpent rituals like Sarpa Homaand Naga Panchami by feeding milk to snakes, and chant the root mantra "Om Kham" and "Om Gam" 108 times during the lunar transition of this nakshatra to alleviate afflictions. Wearing dark colors like red or black is also recommended. All important actions should correspond to the course of this constellation for best results.