Home >> Ardakhoreh Name Meaning
Gender : Boy
Meaning of Ardakhoreh name : Having holy lustre
Ardakhoreh name also used in these origins : Parsi , Zoroastrian
Parsi Meaning :
The name Ardakhoreh is an Parsi baby name. In Parsi origin the meaning of name Ardakhoreh is : Having holy lustre
Zoroastrian Meaning :
The name Ardakhoreh is an Zoroastrian baby name. In Zoroastrian origin the meaning of name Ardakhoreh is : Having holy lustre
Ardakhoreh Name Numerological Number is : 8
Person with name Ardakhoreh has following quality:
With eight number people must learn how money can be used for the greater good. They are a symbol of infinity, which leads to the next life. This number is worldly and hardworking, but often lacks patience and pliablity. Then can be ruthless in pursuit of their goals. On the other hand they are very family oriented, protecting their loved ones.
Name ARDAKHOREH is combinations of TWO occurrence of A , TWO occurrence of R , ONE occurrence of D , ONE occurrence of K , TWO occurrence of H , ONE occurrence of O , ONE occurrence of E has a lots of significance in Astrology.
A :
Persons are confident, independent, and pro-activity. They influence people with both leadership and motivation.
R :
Persons are hardworking and are dedicated to supporting and uplifting humanity. Person represents a great power to do great things.
D :
Persons bring energies of stability, reliability, and determination. They influence makes a person a hard worker and a practical thinker.
K :
A powerful force of intuition is associated with K. It influences a person with strong instincts and an ability to work well with others.
H :
Persons are influenced by energies of innovation and independence. They have a need to succeed and are highly motivated to reach their goals.
O :
There is a supportive and giving quality to the O in Numerology. Its presence influences a person with strong morals and great pride in serving others.
E :
Freedom is the driving force for a person. They are romantic and have expressive energies to the mix.
Name | Meaning |
Arda | Warm |
Ardafravash | Holy guardian spirit |
Ardagh | From the high field. |
Ardakhoreh | Having holy lustre |
Ardal | Intelligent or noble |
Ardala | High honor. |
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Name | Meaning |
Bird. |
renonwned name |
Fidelis -faithful and ejianreh |
God is kind |
Someone who brings the spring (or a sprint flower) |
Eyes |
Memory |
Star |
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