Home >> Zuokemefa Name Meaning
Gender : Boy
Meaning of Zuokemefa name : God has not forgotten
Zuokemefa name also used in these origins : Nigerian
Nigerian Meaning :
The name Zuokemefa is an Nigerian baby name. In Nigerian origin the meaning of name Zuokemefa is : God has not forgotten
Zuokemefa Name Numerological Number is : 4
Person with name Zuokemefa has following quality:
Person with number four are stable, rigid, sure-footed, determined to reach their goals in a straight line. They are hard working, good employees especially in planning, organization and administration.
Name ZUOKEMEFA is combinations of ONE occurrence of Z , ONE occurrence of U , ONE occurrence of O , ONE occurrence of K , TWO occurrence of E , ONE occurrence of M , ONE occurrence of F , ONE occurrence of A has a lots of significance in Astrology.
Z :
Persons bring balanced mix of optimism and realism. Their excellent people skills will help them on their path to success.
U :
Persons are lucky, artistry, and they have good opportunity. Such people influences a person with energies of optimism and balance.
O :
There is a supportive and giving quality to the O in Numerology. Its presence influences a person with strong morals and great pride in serving others.
K :
A powerful force of intuition is associated with K. It influences a person with strong instincts and an ability to work well with others.
E :
Freedom is the driving force for a person. They are romantic and have expressive energies to the mix.
M :
M brings out a person's ingenuity and independence. It introduces creative thinking skills to enhance productivity and efficiency.
F :
Persons are nurturer by nature. They represent a warm and compassionate heart and great loyalty toward loved ones.
A :
Persons are confident, independent, and pro-activity. They influence people with both leadership and motivation.
Name | Meaning |
Zuokemefa | God has not forgotten |
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Name | Meaning |
Affection, sympathy. |
There is peace |
True believer |
God has not forgotten |
White complexion, Fair |
God will Increase |
God shall add |
Crowned or crown of laurels, Garland |
God will add another son |
No Result Found. |